Monday, December 4, 2006

The Dangers of Skateboarding

I just thought I'd let out my frustrated rage associated with skateboarding at this school.

First of all, the roads are like spikes that come straight out of hell that make for the worst ride in the world. The sidewalks contain plenty of cracks just to make sure you are constantly having to stop. Some of the walkways aren't even smooth enough to ride on which is just plain annoying. Specially the one by plaza that's not even attractive looking. It's like poured cement that they forgot to smooth out, with more ridges than the Rocky Mountains...

And just in case you don't eat shit on your own, they hire cars, of various types I might add just to throw you off, to chase you down and hit you. It's a freaking conspiracy I tell 'ya. I'm bombing a hill and all of a sudden its like "umm that's a car.. and its not stopping" and if you saw me after that incident you know the outcome of that. And then like on the way home after that dreadful experience, one of those golf carts decides it would be funny to run the skateboarder off the road because obviously skateboards can go off roading, while golf carts must ride in the center of the walkway.

Next time a car tries to hit me I'm going to chase it and bash the windshield in, get in the car, and throw the driver out. Cause that's kinda what it feels like when my body hits the road/other rocky terrain that they have at this campus.

Go skateboarders.

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