Sunday, February 4, 2007

Smile or Die

Smiley faces have been in AIM since it started. Now, even though you can change how they look, you can't change what they say/mean. You would think that they would update them and add some more new ones, but no, they still have the same expressions from sunglasses to foot-in-mouth. Like how high were they when they made the money mouth one and the one with the foot in the mouth. C'mon seriously, those need to be replaced.

There are always those times where u want to say something to somebody but you're too lazy to write it out. How nice would it be if there was a smiley for the exact thought you are having right now.

Here are a few examples that I believe would be very useful in everyday IM'ing:

You know when that really annoying person starts talking to you and you just want to let out your feeling, but don't really want to type it out because it would be a waste of typing? Well why not just make a smiley something like this:
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"I really want to stab you with the knife I'm holding right now and then suck out all your blood so that I never have to listen to you talk again"
Or perhaps if you're going to a UC and are feeling lazy you could with one click say:
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"Holy crap that was sooooooooooo Asian..."
And we can't forget, how about when you're in a conversation for a long time and just want to say:
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"If you say "lol" one more freaking time I SWEAR I'm going to pull the trigger"

Anyways, the point is that it would be nice if they would add a few more emotions besides happy, sad, and "I feel like I have a foot in my mouth".